Greener & Cleaner Logo

Greener & Cleaner

Greener and Cleaner believe in positive actions and solutions for everyday life to make green living and working the norm. We are galvanising and equipping people with inspiration, resources and skills to work towards change.

Greener and Cleaner works to normalise a greener, more sustainable way of life for residents of South East London. Together, we aim to make a measurable difference to our environment.

We operate a community garden and an inclusive space in The Glades shopping centre to offer advice and encouragement to all. We promote repair, reuse and repurposing regularly through craft and upcycling workshops and always have sewing machines available for anyone to use for free. Our volunteers help visitors make repairs at our weekly Saturday sessions and every month we have repair cafes in Bromley or Beckenham. We also host a Library of Things to help local residents to make their own repairs and upgrades at home.

Greener & Cleaner Repair Week
Greener & Cleaner Repair Week