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Recrea Ltd

Recrea Heather

Recrea is your gateway to Sustainable Fashion Transformation through our Sustainable Fashion Events. Championing creativity, mindset shifts, and eco-conscious fun, we leave a positive mark on the environment by extending the life of existing garments.

Recrea is not just a fashion organisation; it’s a movement dedicated to transforming the way we perceive and interact with clothing. Inspired by the Latin word ‘recreare’, meaning to recreate, revive, restore, or refresh, Recrea embodies a philosophy of conscious consumption and sustainability.

Our ethos is built on three pillars: environment, social responsibility, and the economy. Through our Sustainable Fashion Events, we educate and encourage individuals to adopt a more conscious approach to apparel consumption. From Clothing and Accessory swaps to Mending and Customising Workshops, we emphasise extending the life of garments, keeping them out of landfills, and reducing new production demand. Sustainability is not just a buzzword for us; it’s a way of life.

Social responsibility lies at the core of our mission. We believe in educating people of all ages about sustainable fashion, instilling values of responsibility and conscious consumption from an early age. Our Children’s Fashion Clubs and Parties are designed to engage young minds and foster a sense of connection to the planet and its resources. By sourcing materials and resources from charity shops and sustainable businesses, we support local communities and reduce environmental impact.

Economic empowerment is also a key focus for us. Through initiatives like our Learn to Sew Workshops and Fashion Talks, we empower individuals with skills for sustainable fashion careers. In a world grappling with the cost-of-living crisis, we provide practical solutions for repairing clothes and shopping cost-effectively at second-hand retailers.

At Recrea, we believe that small actions can lead to significant change. Join us on our journey toward sustainable fashion, where we recreate, revive, restore, and refresh our perspective on clothing consumption, making a lasting impact on our planet and the broader sustainability community.