Transition Town Kingston Logo

Transition Town Kingston

Transition Town Kingston (TTK) is a local community group (formally an “unincorporated organisation”), part of an international movement educating and campaigning on the climate and nature crises and encouraging the transition to a sustainable low-carbon future. We aim to create a resilient local community by: exploring alternatives to fossil-fuels; encouraging sustainable consumption and food production; supporting practical projects; organising events and workshops; sharing ideas, skills, information and news.

Transition Town Kingston’s Repair Cafe is part of an international network of neighbourhood repair cafes that promote repair as an alternative to throwing things away. TTK has been organising its Repair Café on the first Saturday morning of every month, from 10.30am to 1.00pm in Kingston Library’s community room, since February 2023. Visitors can bring their broken items to fix on the spot with the help of voluntary repairers.

Transition Town Kingston Repair Week