Yodomo Logo

Yodomo Ltd

Yodomo’s mission is to increase wellbeing and promote the understanding of the reuse of materials, with a focus on textiles, by facilitating wider participation in making. Yodomo was awarded the ‘Progress toward circularity’ at the Marie Claire Sustainability Awards 2023 and was ‘Highly Commended’ at the Tech4Good Awards 2022.

We work with industry to source textiles that might otherwise go to waste and redistribute these to our maker community of nearly 1700 people who reimagine materials into valuable new products.

We redistribute materials from two circular hubs in East London – the Yodomo Circular Hub (Hackney City Farm) and the Yodomo Textile Reuse Hub (Hackney Wick Fish Island).

Yodomo works to meet the targets of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 3: Good Health and Wellbeing and 12: Responsible Consumption and Production.

During London Repair Week we will be running a series of events focused on reuse and repair using textiles and more.
