Can you recycle?
Generally, plastic film and carrier bags can’t be recycled at home, but some can be recycled at supermarket carrier bag collection points. First, check on the packaging to see if they can be recycled or not.

What you can and can't recycle
Recycle at supermarket collection points
- Plastic carrier bags
- Plastic bread bags (shake out)
- Plastic cereal bags i.e. Porridge Oats (not inners from boxed cereals)
- Plastic wrappers and ring joiners from multipacks of cans and plastic bottles
- Plastic wrappers from toilet roll and kitchen towel packs
- Plastic freezer bags
- Plastic magazine and newspaper wrap (type used for home delivery only)
- Thin bags used for fruit and veg at supermarkets
- Bubble wrap
You can't recycle
- Cling film and other types of film
- Food and drink pouches (like for coffee, baby food or cat food)
- Crisp packets
- Film lids from ready meals and food trays