Privacy Policy

ReLondon, which manages this website on behalf of London Recycles, is committed to protecting your privacy and processing your personal data in accordance with GDPR.

ReLondon Privacy Policy

ReLondon is the operating name of the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB). ReLondon takes the privacy of all those it interacts with seriously. Here we set out how we aim to ensure that personal data is only processed appropriately and in line with the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

If you have any queries about this policy please contact us at

The policy covers the following areas:

  1. Who we are
  2. Data Protection Officer
  3. Information collected
  4. Information collected via our websites
  5. How is your information used?
  6. Lawful bases for data processing
  7. Third parties
  8. Transferring your data outside Europe
  9. Children
  10. Retention
  11. Keeping personal data secure
  12. Automated decision making and profiling
  13. Individual rights
  14. Information Commissioner

1. Who we are

ReLondon is the operating name of the London Waste and Recycling Board (LWARB). LWARB is a statutory body established by the GLA Act 2007. ReLondon works with London’s waste authorities, businesses and other stakeholders to meet its statutory objectives: to promote and encourage the production of less waste; increase the proportion that is reused or recycled; and drive methods of collection, treatment and disposal of waste that are more beneficial to the environment.

ReLondon offices are based at 2nd Floor, 69 Wilson Street, London EC2A 2BB.

2. Data Protection Officer

LWARB’s appointed data protection officer is Wayne Hubbard, Chief Executive Officer, who may be contacted via

3. Information collected

ReLondon obtains personal information on members of the public only when they contact us, for example requesting information, applying for a job, responding to a tender opportunity, or signing up for a newsletter.

ReLondon also collects and processes information (names, contact information and job titles/areas of interest) from public sources on stakeholder organisations working in similar fields, potential and actual suppliers and participants in ReLondon activities. For example, data on waste and recycling officers in London waste authorities, suppliers of goods or services, or professional bodies in related fields.

4. Information collected via our website

Only the following information is collected from ReLondon’s website:

Information submitted by visitors (e.g. when filling in forms to receive a newsletter)

Sessional cookie data is collected from our websites and is used by Google Analytics to report on use of the website. ReLondon does not process or store any of the cookie data. For more information see our cookie policy.

Information about Google’s privacy policy may be seen here.

5. How is your information used?

Personal information from members of the public is only used for the purpose for which it was provided to ReLondon (e.g. subscription to a newsletter, job applications, general inquiries about ReLondon).

Other personal information relating to individuals in stakeholder organisations collected by ReLondon from public sources is used in the furtherance of ReLondon’s objectives, for example promotion of ReLondon’s activities, engaging with waste authorities and businesses, dissemination of information.

6. Lawful bases for data processing

The GDPR require that the lawful bases for all data processing is stated. The lawful bases for ReLondon’s data processing are as follows:

Members of the public.

Lawful basis

The data subject has given consent for LWARB to process their personal data.

Suppliers, contractors, customers, members of staff, potential and actual invested companies.

Lawful basis

Processing of the data is necessary for the fulfilment of, or entering into, a contract.

Employee and remunerated Board and Committee members.

Lawful basis
Legal Obligation.

LWARB is required by law to maintain such information.

Stakeholder organisations working in similar fields, potential and actual partners and participants in LWARB programmes.

Lawful basis
Public Task.

Processing necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions which have a clear basis in law.

7. Third parties

ReLondon does not sell any personal data, and does not share any personal data for marketing purposes. Personal data from stakeholder organisations may be shared with other such organisations in order to carry out ReLondon’s public task (this does not apply to personal data on members of the public processed by ReLondon on the basis of consent given, except where consent has also been given to share such data).

ReLondon may share personal information with third parties for the purposes of processing on ReLondon’s behalf, Including cloud based finance, payroll HR, mailing, event coordination and contact management software.

Personal information on ReLondon employees will also be shared with HMRC and ReLondon’s pension and childcare voucher providers.

Personal information may be shared with ReLondon’s legal advisors if necessary (e.g. resolution of employment issues and due diligence and contracting for investments).

8. Transferring information outside of Europe

Other than use of cloud based IT services for processing of information listed above, ReLondon does not share any personal information with organisations outside of the European Economic Area.

9. Children

ReLondon does not process any personal information on children.

10. Data retention

ReLondon will only hold information on members of the public for as long as is necessary or so long as consent is granted for our processing. Members of the public are entitled to withdraw their consent to ReLondon’s processing of their personal data at any time.

Other personal data (e.g. contract data, employee information) is retained following ReLondon’s Data Retention Schedule which reflects legal requirements on data retention.

Personal data on individuals in stakeholder organisations (processed under the lawful basis of Public Task) will be retained only so long as those individuals remain in the given organisation and so long as that organisation is of relevance to ReLondon’s objectives.

11. Keeping personal information secure

All personal information held by ReLondon is stored in secure, password protected cloud-based services or in hard copy format kept in locked cabinets. All ReLondon mobile devices are password protected and encrypted where possible. In general, no data is stored directly on mobile devices.

12. Automated decision making and profiling

ReLondon does not undertake any automated decision making or profiling.

13. Individual rights

The GDPR confer certain rights to individuals concerning processing of their personal data:

  1. The right to be informed
  2. The right of access
  3. The right to rectification
  4. The right to erasure
  5. The right to restrict processing
  6. The right to data portability
  7. The right to object

Any queries about personal information held by ReLondon should be directed to the Data Protection Officer at or by calling 020 3963 0675.

14. Information Commissioner

If you have any queries or concerns about data protection at ReLondon, please contact If you are not satisfied with the response you receive, you may wish to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office via

Page last updated: September 2020