One way is called Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
In AD, microorganisms break down food waste in a de-oxygenated environment. As it breaks down, it gives off methane, which is collected and converted into biogas. This is then used to generate green electricity that’s funnelled into the National Grid.
Another way is called In-Vessel Composting (IVC)
With in-vessel composting, food waste is mixed with garden waste then shredded and composted in an enclosed system for around 2-4 weeks. The resulting material is then left outside to mature for another 1-3 months before going on to be used as a nutrient-rich soil conditioner by farmers.

Here's some more useful information...
To find out more about food waste recycling, check our food waste hub.
Food waste can be recycled, but it’s better not to waste it in the first place. Check out some simple, easy tips for reducing waste.
For more information you can also visit Love Food Hate Waste.