If you live in a house or a flat within a house, your service may include...
If you live on an estate or in a flat with communal bins, your service may include...
If you live in a flat above a shop, your service may include...
If you live in a Timed Collection Zone, your bags will be collected twice a day, 6 times a week.
You can recycle...
You can't recycle...
Garden waste
If you have a garden, you can sign up for a paid garden waste collection. Green garden waste bags, collected once a week.
Bulky waste
You can book a paid bulky waste collection if you have large items you no longer want.
Useful information
Your local reuse and recycling centre
Vale Street, West Norwood, London, SE27 9PA
Or you can visit:
Smugglers Way, Wandsworth, SW18 1JS
Due to Covid-19 restrictions, HWRCs are currently by appointment only:
Book a time in advance
A-Z of recycling
You can use our A-Z search to find out if something can be recycled and how to recycle it properly.